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5 Ways To Fight Pandemic Lockdown Frustration

There is no doubt that experiencing social isolation a.k.a. lockdown gives many of us the heebie-jeebies. From meals to exercise, are all compromised. Nowadays many of us have children who are either online or in school or both. To be frank I know that in our household, the combinations lead to its own type of stress and frustrations as the adults have to learn to interpret the commands coming from school.

What is clear is that being in lockdown calls for specific ways to fight the consequent frustration. Simply put, frustration is a simple word for a complex situation.

Looking at the USA, nearly one in four children are now suffering from anxiety (Center for Disease Control and Prevention USA). As we know anxiety on its own can cause lasting psychological distress, so let us look more in depth.

Let’s look at pandemic-fueled frustration

In a recent article for CNN (April 2021), Kang was asking for coping mechanisms to be taught at school. The article points out that pandemic frustration has led teens to constantly be in anger mode. Adolescents are still growing and developing in so many ways. The added high level of fear and frustration at home and in school, can cause not only depression but also other mental health problems, especially when he or she may express anger that is difficult to explain. Youngsters are losing their social contacts, they are unable to develop their social skills beyond the tight circle of family that would typically have helped them mature or regulate.

Although we tend to be relatively resilient to stress, we do not always have the coping skills to deal with quarantine, social isolation and loneliness. All this is a consequence of being in lockdown. Even feelings of being helpless. The situation can become worse when the level of loneliness increases due to the lack of access to friends and family and the loss of contact with the world outside your window.

For those struggling with social isolation at home, social media can help them by giving them a way to interact with other groups for example scientists like @ AcademicTwitter or with other parents like @itkids31. According to a recent study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people, who are more vulnerable to lockout and loneliness, should have access to digital technology so that they can socially connect with their loved ones and others.

social isolation

5 Ways To Fight Pandemic Social Isolation Frustration

Even though you’re still optimistic about traveling somewhere, you may still feel stressed, sad and anxious. However, there are steps you can take to protect your mental health and wellbeing – while you’re coping with quarantine. If you feel the pressure of staying at home, being away from friends and family, or being cut off from the outside world, you are far from alone

1 Plant something you would like to eat

Spring is well on the way. For anyone with a backyard / potted garden who was thinking of expanding, now is the time, especially if is organic.
This way you might get to meet new neighbours passing by or simply satisfy your palate with a new taste. In addition, eating well takes away a lot of the stress that is building up inside. Remember healthy food also helps towards that improved immune system which we so need right now. Use the time in lockdown wisely.

2 Facts not fear

You can do your part to prevent the spread of COVID 19, but facts, not fear, will stop the pandemic. So don’t waste time chitchatting about the pandemic. Get a reliable source and stick to it. Don’t allow anyone to challenge your source. Besides you will spend less time searching for news which might not even be a factual one. If you find you can’t help yourself once you’re online, there are quite a few useful apps to block social media.

3 Remember the telephone?

As we keep saying, your mental health is being challenged every day longer that social distancing is practiced and getting outside becomes a chore rather than a delight.
Why not promise yourself to make a phone or skype call maybe twice a week. Can you find someone you could call? It might not be the same person but make those 2 phone calls wherever you want for the week. Just talking to someone through the good ole telephone during lockdown will make a difference. Not quite sure why but it does. As Vu and Selden (2020) found out in their studies with couples, contact with each other via telephone and social media provided a sense of structure and personal contact.

I found out that the call with telephone or Skype does something else also. Gives you time for a great belly-laugh. And laughter gets those endorphins rocking. You might even get in a scream instead of feeling like punching the dog or the mirror.

4 Volunteering is not dead

Volunteering online is not something that comes naturally to many of us. It’s so much easier to pack up the car and take it to the nearest Salvation Army or Homeless Shelter for Kids or Diabetes collection drop off or whatever you have in your area. But now we have to find the way to get to them online. Once we have done this and identified exactly what they are in need of, start your overdue spring cleaning.

You will be surprised how much the children have outgrown those expensive sneakers that you bought just 2 birthdays ago. Get them clean and stacked in one place. Cleaning out the house is such a rewarding job, reminding you of great memories or simply giving you some time to spend with those kids who will not leave the iPad or Chrome Book.

5 Give your kids a head start

It always is surprising how adaptable our children are. No matter their age. They seem always to come up with something that you never thought of.
What about challenging that one who is so adapt with technology and coding. I think probably you even bought her/him a subscription to a special program! Well how about developing an app or something that would generate income or perhaps new acquaintances….. I know we are extra extra careful about linking with anyone online at this time, so I am not too worried about this. Funny YouTube channels also seem to be the in-thing if interested.

They are trying their best to understand the vaccine. Let’s leave it to them and pay attention to our health. Both physically and mentally. Mental health is so key. I cannot overemphasize it. As a part of helping our relief from being in lockdown a vaccine will eventually be found, but untreated psychological damage will not go away and could last for years. We can make sure we are able to enjoy the next couple of years. One thing for sure, it’s time to consider ourselves one great human family trying to fight the virus together.
caption Main Photo by Levi Midnight on Unsplash

1 thought on “5 Ways To Fight Pandemic Lockdown Frustration”

  1. Pingback: Lockdown learning adds value to your career prospects

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