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by Rachel Taylor Thompson

Captivating! Makes you wish you had a dragon on your side too! It’s all about making it right….

Great opening. Rachel Taylor Thompson has your attention from the get go. There are a number of dragon stories in the market place right now. Sasha vs the whole wide world (and Dragons) remains unusual in that we follow the fate of the young woman who finds a magic potion. The first chapter describes the scene with great detail leaving us feeling the intensity of the feelings experienced by Sasha. The magic potion is the key to the story.

The story will appeal to the young adult readership and is filled with geography, magic knowledge or so-called magic knowledge, political nuances and good old male -female relationships. Sasha is like many other youngsters right now working three jobs and keeping their heads above the waters. As the story evolves she learns how to manage emotions and make critical decisions. We move from the USA to Canada and back making it quite timely as in real life today, border discussions are the ‘hot’ talk of the town.

Take note of the name Shasha….keeping up with 2025!.

The problem is it all seems so real!  It is a good read full of the unexpected. I wondered where the story would go after Sasha took on the dogs. Was it simply as company?….  But I won’t spoil the plot. Just to let you know, there is actually a list of spells in one chapter. Keep reading and you might get some awesome advice (smile)!

Rachel Taylor Thompson uses the dialogue to envision a different 21st Century. It is driven by “raw magic”, a new concept which she enjoys positioning in the present world of unchecked automation and computer technology. And besides all the intrigue, dragons and history,  Sasha vs the Whole Wide World (and Dragons), moves towards a blossoming love story.