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A little bit of history! From Alien to Awesome

And what is

It all started some months ago. Pen in hand I decided it was time to start writing again. Since March 2011, time stood still. An active kind of still as becoming a grandmother meant much less sleep and paradoxically much less doing what I was accustomed to do. Grandma meant no more poring over papers and scripts or conjuring up innovative ways of getting a research point across.

So was born. It wasn’t as easy as that! You see I started to write a book titled “My 4 year old is an Alien”.  

I still love the title, but you weren’t sure it was for children or adults were you? And that was the problem – the title – not the content, the title! My illustrator Lukasz Poduch from Poland! put his whole heart into it.

The content was and still is how to develop the self-concept of the preschooler. While talking about this with another grandmother, she commented that preschoolers are so confident! They run, jump, present you with gifts of flowers and frogs and generally seem to feel good about themselves. Unfortunately, they’re not all like that and even when like that their parents are not able to put their finger on what it is that they are doing that’s right. Not surprisingly when they run into a Bump, then that sparkle, that enthusiasm disappears.

So back to the title as realising it was all wrong, Gerry Robert ( author of Millionaire Mindset) stepped in and gave me a new title “ I Like Me: 5 Easy Ways for Parents to Help their Children feel Awesome About Themselves”. is the squeeze page, the landing page for the book and where you can go to get a copy. On this page you learn what’s in the book and frankly, from the comments I have been getting, these are just the places where parents need a little help. The 5 Ways are 5 strategies and if you go to the blog page on this site, you will see a blog about Prezi. This tells you more about the book. is the gateway to much more. When you sign up for a free copy you might have to wait a bit but you will get a copy. Take a visit. See you there!

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