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This tip for single Moms started with a story about how to deal with life challenges. Single Moms challenges. The single moms club is full of Moms with these types of challenges.

All Mom wanted was a tomato garden! Yet her dream drifted further and further away. You know what? As a single mom, even the simplest of dreams become a challenge.

Other things that she wanted were:

“I needed to get my hair cut.
I needed to do some shopping.
I needed, or wanted to, plant a Tomato Tree in my Garden.

But I didn’t need anything additional:

I just needed to go to the spa.
The car needs fluid changed related to the oil and the filter in the engine.
My car needs the correct owner’s manual for the correct gas-saving setting for the vehicle.

But I didn’t need my wallet just to buy this.
The owner’s manual for the correct driving range of my car.
I needed to do some shopping.
I needed to do some laundry (with patterns that needed hand-washing).
But I didn’t need to pay the electricity bill.”

A tip for single moms as they face life challenges. Join the Single Moms Club and this single tip will help.

Now, I admit that I almost didn’t buy anything. It seemed that it was too much to do, especially the shopping, which is only once a week. All was good though, because I had the shopping, and at the end of the day, I had the car back on track. I didn’t plant the tomato garden though!!

The problem is that I am a single mom with a toddler and he is only two.

Being a single Mom is not so easy. It takes a a great deal of planning because there are 2 people at home and one other somewhere else.

Let me tell you about this young lady. This is her story.

Being a single Mom seems really challenging especially when the kid is 2 years old.

Archie lives with me and his father. But really, his father lives most of the time 5 miles away and we only get to visit him once a week. I work on the computer at least 2 hours a day at home. Sometimes it is a learning process, while at other times I earn some dollars. At least 2 other days per week I go out to the nearby pharmacy where I assist as I am a qualified pharmacist.

Sometimes Archie has to go to school with an incontinence pad as he is not fully potty trained. Three days a week he has to be at school. He cries when I leave him at school to go to work.

My toddler has such a huge imagination that he often decides that he won’t go to bed. One day as we discussed this, he decided he wanted to take a pee, and when I went to check on him, he decided he was not leaving the bathroom. In embarrassment, I decided to leave the bathroom door open. It only took a few seconds, but it was the start of the end to my patience, as he stood there in the one corner of the room, still as a statue, demanding a bowel movement. I started to laugh at myself, but then I locked eyes with him, and though I couldn’t see any mischief, he started crying even more. I was done. Trying to teach my son human communication went cold as ice.

It’s things like this that make me wonder if I was so smart when I decided to have a kid.

Knowing that I would have to find a way to manage on my own should have put me off. But when the stars are bright in the universe, things get cloudy in your head and all reason seems to disappear. It’s not really fair to the kid huh?

The Tip: The single moms club

I didn’t set out to join the single moms club. I simply wanted to have a kid and do a lot of wonderful things that are important to me. Having a kid would make our relationship even better , increase that sense of responsibility. The thing is I did not have time for being depressed or annoyed as a consequence of past decisions.

Well being in the club I learnt that you can have dreams and hopes. Take it all one day at a time. I have decided that now I have to make an impact in the single moms club and show others how to get to where I want to be.

Single Moms make sure you stay positive.

As I listen to her story I know all will be well. Not so sure when the tomato garden will be included but she has the right approach. In the Single Moms Club women are strong, determined and focused even if a bit up-in-the-clouds- sometimes.

If you have taken the plunge take a look at this HANDOUT for that great day when Archie starts whining or throwing a tantrum when you leave the house. And I also have another post which is awesome for the present. It’s about keeping calm!! Posts and handouts are always free.

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