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Best ways to build your Self-esteem: 3 Tips

1 Feel happy about what you are doing

IF you really intend to build your self-esteem the key is not to be too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself, but don’t be critical. Avoid criticizing yourself or others because it reinforces your negative view and gives other people a false negative view of you. You can help boost your self-esteem by making yourself happy when you achieve something, do something hard or manage a bad day.

  • Whether it be doing your homework, doing chores, turning up on time for work, etc, do what you know is the right thing to do which will make you feel good about what you are accomplishing.
  • Read your Bible and pray regularly.
  • Hang out with people and encourage them, and be with those who are doing positive things.
  • We all have times when we feel a bit depressed and find it difficult to maintain our self-confidence. This first tip will keep those times away.

2 Be assertive

Many people in desperate need of self-respect will try to find quick solutions to make themselves feel better. Such as buying a new car, new clothes, or showing arrogant behavior in order to feel superior. Maybe even giving others the opportunity to push their boundaries to get the kind of attention is what makes them feel better.

Similarly, people with low self-esteem find it hard to stand up for themselves and have a say in what others do. This means that they become a burden at home and at work because they do not like to refuse.

So be Assertive. Try and recognize when people treat you disrespectfully and take steps to stop that. A person with self-respect does not allow others to treat them badly and does not connect with those who are disrespectful. It is rewarding when you see the results and feel more self-respect.

The more you understand yourself, the more you appreciate what is unique about you. Happiness and self-respect are not things you can switch on and off. It stays with you through thick and thin.

3 More Self-respect … the companion of self-esteem

We tend to draw people into our lives that reflect our state of mind. If you lack self-esteem, often you reinforce your feelings by surrounding yourself with people you don’t respect. Start by setting boundaries for yourself that show others that you have self-respect. Free the people in your life who do not respect your limits. Look for people who treat you the way you want to be treated.

If you have a constant goal of living the truth according to your values and beliefs, it will be easier for you to do the right thing. You will not be tempted to impress others by often doing things that you know are true and mean the most to you. Feel YOUR direction and take appropriate action.

If you have never thought about self-esteem, now is an excellent time to weigh up the merits of respecting yourself and making your life one in which you value yourself. You will get the most out of what you are looking for. It can take a while to lose your self-respect, and it can take some time to recover and rebuild.

Self-respect is the cornerstone of how we treat ourselves and how we allow others to treat us. It is only when we love and respect ourselves that we begin to believe that we are worthy of another person’s love or respect. The only way to gain self-respect is if it continues to be the right thing to do.

People often ask me what the difference is between self-esteem and self-respect. It is the difference between how you feel about yourself and your experiences and knowing that this positive feeling you are having is what is important. Not what others think.

People with good self-esteem feel positive about themselves and life. It is possible to have both good and bad self-esteem. Some may struggle with certain tasks, but they still have good self-esteem.
There are many people who let themselves be shaped by what others say, do or have done to them. They have no lack of self-respect, but they have never allowed themselves to get out of the grasp of others. They are never in tune with their own needs.

Now & Always

Consider your own feelings in your everyday life and in every decision you make. Too many people think that everything requires the consent of others. Stop putting down yourself by waiting on the consent of others. Sop putting the desires, needs, wishes and opinions of others above your own.

If you show your self-respect through your actions, your words and your body language, others can see how much and how little you respect yourself. One way or another, the messages you send have far-reaching implications for yourself and others.

build self-respect
Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels

If you want to build relationships based on respect, that is as important as ever.

Exercise self-esteem today

If you make it a habit, you will treat yourself and others more respectfully.
Treat them with care and honor, body and mind. Do not allow other people to exploit them or speak ill of them. Know when to leave a compromising or unhealthy situation or relationship.
Show respect to others who deserve it.
You have the right to uphold your values and not feel that you have to go against them in order to please others. For example, you do not have to give up your family, friends, religion, hobbies or continued relationships.

Sometimes we lie to avoid anger or confrontation or hurt someone’s feelings, but in the long run it’s best to be honest and work it out. A little lie can build up and cause others to lose confidence in you. Therefore, it is always best to tell the truth.
Part of respecting yourself is learning how to deal with your emotions without causing yourself more problems. If we allow our anger to hurt us in harmful ways, we can embarrass ourselves, destroy relationships, and lead to lower self-esteem.

In order to respect yourself, you have to know who you are. I also feel that we need to talk to God and hopefully your parents/caregivers, to encourage you to be the person they can see you are.

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