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Black Kids Books; Authors and the Content

In this example of black kids’ books we see a little boy and his father talking about all the things that make their connection special. At one point the boy asks his father if he will miss him when he grows up and leaves. On the back of the book is a note from the author telling the reader about the bond formed in this black family.

This is the kind of story that is not expected when reading kids books. And this is exactly what is so key about the authors who are dedicated to writing black kids books. The message is clearly motivational, often overwriting the harsh realities of everyday life.     

In fact, the author was inspired to write this book because she could not find another book that would help foster conversations about the identity of her adopted sons and the color of her biological mother’s skin.

4 Special books

Floella Benjamin writes “My Two Grandads”. This book appeals to me as the message is all about boosting children’s self-esteem. My Two Grandads describes love and family interaction. Together with  Ayesha Rodriguez  (I Am), kids are taught how to build and affirm a positive self-esteem.   

There are other books like “I have a Dream”, “Before She Was Harriet” and many others which make it evident that black history is an important part of developing a sense of self.. It is essential that children have a written source on which they can build pillars of knowledge.       

There is also the matter of style. Writing for children goes from poetry for the younger ones to picture books with bright art for the youngest ones. The good ole free -flowing story with simplified language continues to steal their hearts and keep them in tune with a black reality.  

The purpose of buying Black Kids Books

Every February there are events across the country which focus on Black books and Black authors. We are familiar with Black History Month and Book Fairs. These events help us to learn about new and ‘old’ authors as the fairs are attended by the entire gamut of peoples. We see picture books for kids, social issue books, fiction, historical and books about Black philosophers. And the writers are from all over the world.  These are great events which parents and caregivers should attend simply because you can see close up what you wish to buy.        

There are a number of books by black authors which have children of different ages as the main characters. This is important for the child or the parent/caregiver who is reading the book.  Seeing yourself on the cover of a book makes the child feel the book is for them.

Having stories or poetry for black kids, means the reading list in the schools/institutions becomes more diverse. Still today, we look to ancient history as portrayed by the new Western world as the authority of learning. When black children can accept the fact that there is a civilization before the more recent 5th  Century their whole outlook on life changes.

Finding Books

 Finding books with black characters can be challenging especially in countries that depend on external sources for help. In addition, printing costs increase daily and although nationals may try to publish for themselves, economic monopolies continue to dominate the economy. Our children are ready to be in the limelight. They deserve to be on the covers, to be in the history books, in the media. They need to know about themselves. Blacks are not the minority in the world. Books should reflect this.

We have reached a point where most aspects of human experience in the black community is portrayed in children’s books as self-consciousness. To be self-confident and conscious of a positive self is the goal. It is true that we need to acquire skills in the language of the economically powerful, but this will come. Our artists and authors are already re-defining the images which show the full range of cultures and ethnicities.

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