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Elementary Fantasy children’s book

“Sally Porter hadn’t wanted her parents to move house, but they had gone and done it anyway.”

The story has a rather intense prologue. It’s somewhat long but it certainly sets the scene as one of constant anticipation. Sally and her friends are all middle school children. Set in the United Kingdom somewhere, it carries us across continents, climates, behaviours….. The descriptions throughout are detailed and readers are able to envision exactly where they are at all times. Naturally this level of description makes one use her or his imagination to the max, as we follow Sally opening new or old doors. I loved the scene with the dark shadow. Don’t worry. It is never horror or sad outcomes!!

Douglas Caleb must have enjoyed writing this book. I really enjoyed this story. Although fantasy, I could easily imagine this happening. The story is set in the now. 2024, a world that middle school students are living in. It comes at the time in our history when we are talking about bringing back real live people from space!! Once more it seems as if everything is possible. Naturally, like door-to-door Sally, I know they will all feel very much at home.

Door-to-Door Sallyis really fantasy based on facts. Pretty cool. A nice touch, as middle school readers build interest in new worlds, new realities, realize history and places, they might have heard of or visited. All without it becoming onerous. And just as you are wondering what next, we meet The Invisible Emporium.

From the get-go the story holds your attention. It’s not the usual super-hero situation. Full of twists and turns. I am sure schoolers will enjoy this.

I have a feeling Caleb will change the cover one day. It is a bit confusing. I feel it could catch the eye more readily reflecting more of the prologue. Standing out on the shelf will attract more readers.                                                   

P.S. The give-aways with purchase of the book are great!!