‘Marcus Teaches Us,’ a compelling tale that blends wisdom and adventure.
Authored at two different levels for children, this book navigates the challenges of growth and self-discovery for children of African origin. ‘Marcus Teaches Us’ leaves readers reflecting on the profound teachings of the great Marcus Garvey the Black philospher of the 20th century. Engaging, thought-provoking, and using activities for children, it’s a must-read for those seeking a source for self-identity .
Reviewed in Canada on December 8, 2021
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found this book not only to be a good read for children but adults alike!


5.0 out of 5 stars An Important read!
The book Marcus Teaches Us captured me right from the start with the vivid illustration of the cover which continued throughout the book. The author further personalizes the book as well as bringing an inclusive nature with the “This Book Belongs To” by suggesting the owner paste or draw a picture of themselves.
Review taken from Amazon https://www.amazon.ca/Marcus-Teaches-Us-Simplified-years/dp/1777561043/
The important teachings of Marcus Garvey are presented in a clear and concise manner with lots of interactive elements, which the children will really enjoy. I found this book not only to be a good read for children but adults alike!