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Check out the Best Caribbean Children Books 2023

Every month from March to June features the Caribbean. Children Books are featured in all of these months, so this is a great time for us to share some of our favorite books about the Caribbean with kids. This is only a start — a primer, if you will — for readers who are unfamiliar with these authors of Caribbean kids books.

The literary world has benefitted greatly from authors, both adult and child, whose stories exude the languages, cultures, and traditions of various islands. Local awards ceremonies in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland have recognized winners of childrens and young adult audio books.

Some sources

The Bologna childrens book fair is also an occasion where there are several important awards, the BolognaRagazzi awards, which are given out in four categories (fiction, nonfiction, newhorizons (for the non-Western world), and opera prima (for a first work).

About Anansesem Anansesem is an online magazine for Caribbean literature, both for adults and children. Anansesem aims to bring you the best in news, reviews, and creative content from the Caribbean childrens literature community.

These eco-conscious childrens books are all set in the Caribbean, and they can be used to help both kids and adults consider what they can do to help protect and maintain their surroundings. Instead of living life on the screen, you can challenge your kids to get their teeth into some great books.

Literature about Caribbean countries and/or the Caribbean not only entertains but educates them about the regions in which they live. One of the reasons why I love reading books about a location before traveling with my kids is to help establish expectations.

Check out the links below for categories of books commonly requested in child-light classes. The message from The Great Kiwi ABC book is that if you put in the hard work and dream big, people can achieve amazing things. In this book, Grenadian writer Richardo Keens Douglas puts the islands most popular export centre stage, telling the story of two children on the hunt for Princess Nutmeg.

There are lots more especially at this time when the true story of people of color in the world is showcased. I hope the times will change as our knowledge increases.

1 thought on “Check out the Best Caribbean Children Books 2023”

  1. Hi Doctor Eleanor and Ggee,

    I am Julie-Ann and I am a Barbadian veterinarian living and loving Barbados. My husband stumbled across your site and immediately suggested that I should have my boom reviewed by you. I am not sure my first book fits the bill of children’s reader book (but I am working on my reader series that will!) but maybe you want to have a look anyway.
    It is full colour Caribbean animals book in a series for children ages 4 – 6 years old to practice writing and colouring, while learning about 26 air and sea creatures and 16 countries in our region. I showcase the national animals of these 16 Caribbean territories, include a fun fact and also indicate whether these animals are endangered. Furthermore our realistic images of the animal are attractive to the age group and are still easy to colour. This makes it easy for students to identify the animals in nature. Each animal has a full colour image and then an outline of that animal on facing pages. This allows children to reproduce the animals in their glory, while helping to teach hand – eye coordination.
    If anything I said here peaks your interest, please email me at info@caribbeananimals.com
    Thanks for your consideration.

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