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Diet for Women on the Go-2 minutes read for stress reduction

A quick few comments on Diet for women on the go

You are either a stay at home Mom or a Mom who goes out to work. The rules are the same

Eat to stay healthy. Your children find it very difficult to stay on top of things without the mother

Healthy means a balance over the week. Not necessarily each day but at least over the week.


Hydrate.. keep your water bottle full / use a water drinking app to track your water intake

Pack snacks that can help when you are not quite in balance including sprouts, berries, nuts

Use whole foods as much as possible

Be choosy which fast food outlets you buy from. They are not all the same.

Staying healthy means there must be some form of exercise. Again there are apps to help count the number of steps, each day

That was quite quick.

You know stress reduction for us happens where there is healing of the Body Mind and Spirit.


It is as if the world is getting smaller. Nextdoor we have a Muslim family. Further down the street we have a family from India. And all these wonderful families have their own cultural and religious practices.

How do we respect each other and allow each other to honour their own tradition. One way can be meditation or it can be praying at set times or wearing/carrying some important symbol all the time. All the different traditions are trying to keep mind, body and soul together.

Can I take a moment and ask what do you think of when we say Soul? Some say it is something that comes from a Universal Power. To me it’s that something inside of you that is like a driving force for everyday. It’s something isdie that is your inspiration, your gut instinct that keeps you going forward. It’s always there and we just have to allow it its freedom.

The problem is that we are taught as women not to listen to this voice inside of us. Just do what some authority figure tells you.

So as we experience stress reduction we can hear that inner voice more clearly and willingly. Let me get back to something mentioned earlier, meditation.

When we feel threatened. Meditation is really a way for relaxation Have you heard of the new wave of energy healings. They tells us that the mind and our emotions are major elements in how diseases and illness progress. We all have stories about people who suddenly recovered from a terminal illness or persons who went to a naturopath and suddenly recovered.

What they are telling us is that physical illness leads to stress but emotional disturbances also lead to stress.

As long as there is something which you see as threatening, it will be stressful.

Moms let’s take the ex ample of Preschooler whining. It is annoying, destroys your peace, makes others question your parenting .. the  outcome is  stress

How to feel stress reduction:  step back/listen/ hold the child close if possible…a series of things to do all related to practicing what?  The inner quieting methods

If you practice these methods, what happens is the mind or the nervous system begins to build a reflex action of relaxation. So the repetitive action of a quieting method is important.  See FREE HANDOUT on Curing Whining.

Early morning inner strengthening/ self-validation….self-talk…daily meditation time….all lead to being more relaxed and less likely that the stress you have each day will become severe

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