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Energy of Kidz

As a blogger I wanted to share this piece about the energy of kidz with you all. Especially now when we seem to be constantly running out of energy. There seems to be no end to kidz energy, their endless zest for life. What’s happening to us adults. Dads, Moms, come on….. When it comes to a listless child though it makes me start thinking. I am compelled to search for the reason.

I have a feeling that people like Black Moms connection have a solution!. Seriously though, “do you ever notice how much energy children have? Granted, they’re flinging around bodies that weigh twenty to sixty pounds while you and I weigh… Never mind; let’s not go there.

But my point is that kids are indefatigable (I’d say look it up except if you’re like
me you’re too tired to hunt for the dictionary. It means tireless). They keep going no matter what.

Wouldn’t you love to bottle some of that energy of kidz? “Just bottle it up, then take a
swig whenever you were dragging. Whiz-zang! Suddenly you’d be Superwoman! If you
were at work, your fingers would suddenly be flying on the keyboard at an amazing
pace. At home? You’d have the beds made, dishes washed, socks darned, and chimney
swept in the amount of time it used to take to fluff your pillow for your afternoon nap.
Coworkers would gape in amazement. Friends would gossip and stare. Your
husband would request something for chest pains.

They’d be thrilled with your performance at work and the way your kitchen
sparkled. But my guess is that sooner or later they’d question the Crayola scribbles in
the hallway, the grass stains on the knees of your best pants suits, and the distracting
way you’d have of jumping up and down, blowing spit bubbles, or picking your nose
whenever someone was trying to get your attention.

So… maybe we don’t really want all the energy of kidz.

Still, maybe we can pick up a few pointers from the little people in our lives.

Kidz have such vitality. Such zest for life. They possess wild imaginations,
boundless energy and limitless passion. These are the things I miss from my youth. I
don’t know about you, but I would love to recapture some of the youthful zeal that
characterized my life before grown-up responsibilities, problems, and anxieties got the
better of me.”

I acknowledge Karen, as this is Taken from “Just Hand Over the Chocolate and No-One will get hurt ” by Karen Scalf Linamen 2003

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