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PARENTS! FIREMAN SAM launches summer safety!



PARENTS!  FIREMAN SAM, the ultimate Hero Next Door, has launched a nationwide campaign to highlight the importance of keeping summer safety this summer, in partnership with Child Safety Week 6th-12th June in the UK and here in Canada #safekids20, we have Safe Kids Week May 30th – June 5th. This safety week initiative in the UK is an annual initiative to raise awareness of child-related accidents and how they can be prevented.

The campaign is aimed at teaching children and parents about summer safety including how to be safe around water while swimming and when standing near open flames at a barbeque.

Bringing these important tips to life in support of Safe Kids Week, Fireman Sam gives us great tips. Here are some for you

Fireman Sam safety week tips


3 Quick Key tips for Parents from Fireman Sam for Barbecue Time

  1. Make sure to tell your little helpers not to try and light the fire all by themselves. They need someone big to be around.
  2. Ensure you keep your barbecue a safe distance from trees, bushes and anything else that may catch fire before lighting it.
  3. Make sure that your barbecue is placed on a flat surface so it stays in place once it’s lit.

Parachute Canada #stoptheclock tells us to get into summer safety around water also. We need to employ S.P.L.A.S.H.E.S.   As Parachute Canada  points out there are up to 400 drowning-related deaths in Canada each year. That’s a lot. Many of us wither go to the lake or the closest beachfront.  So for summer keep in mind:

  • Supervision is key – roughly 75% of children under 10 who drowned were not with an adult
  • A drowning person is often silent, yet 50% of parents think they can effectively supervise children just by listening


We don’t like to remember that awful time when someone drowned. No matter how it happened it is not a welcome memory. So many stories of the baby walking into the pool or children playing unattended and someone pushes the other into the pool. Cries of help go unnoticed as the adults are inside the house or the children are so frightened they are unable to help.

Safety tips are only of use if we use them!

Use these tips √√√

They are tips for all summer as we eat outside in the backyard or on a picnic

They are tips for all summer as we  play in the water either in the pool, the splash park or at the beach

Prevention is always better than a cure so use the tips.

Visit @ itskids31 or  for posts all this month as EAWPublications keeps us aware of child safety week

Have a safe summer.

from Dr Eleanor

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