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Halloween: A great time for Dad Jokes

Funny Halloween jokes are cheesy Halloween dad jokes, but that doesn’t make them any less funny. A good laugh with a dad joke and a funny picture never hurts. There are hilarious and lame jokes for children, but nothing to make you groan.

Halloween is a time of fear for good reason, but it is also a time with many opportunities to laugh. If you want to scare kids, Halloween will be for baby boomers who don’t believe in climate change. If your idea of a good time is to cook fires and make elaborate costumes while your mother and friends roll their eyes and eat all the sweets you bought and distributed to children on October 27, we have all our own way of celebrating.

Dressing up for Halloween is fun, but there is a reason why parents are more accepting of strangers giving their children candy when they are well dressed. Parents with unsuspecting babies are forced to dress up in ridiculous Halloween costumes at will, even if they don’t mind. Father jokes can be hilarious and silly and make your children laugh.

Halloween is the only time of year when fathers do everything they can to get their children out of the way of absolute shit with little consequence. It’s a magical time of year when pumpkin spice has become a food group of its own and it’s acceptable to tell your child witch memes without running to you every 12 minutes with a different idea of which costume to choose. But while candy and costumes are the best parts of Halloween, the holiday is incomplete without silly, cheesy dad jokes.

Here are some good sites for Dad jokes

and another

Don’t forget Twitter. This is always a great place for Halloween Dad Jokes

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