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How to Be a Successful Single Parent: 6 Tips for Moms

6 Tips For Moms and How To Be A SuccessFul Single Parent

A single mom is no easy feat! In fact, you have quite a unique challenge in having to find the balancing act for so many things in you and your child’s life. Though your child is important, you need to take time for yourself. Check out these 6 tips for moms and how you can be a successful single parent.

1 Value Yourself

How can you possibly put your own needs first? By taking time for yourself and doing what makes you happy. Find that happy space where you can feel relaxed and be yourself. You will find yourself feeling great and ready to share that love and joy with your child. Get Ahead in Your Career Don’t just put off your career. Get ahead in your career so you are a priority. We don’t want to find ourselves taking care of our kids so we can work. This must be a priority for you so you are able to be at your best at home. Be the Best Mom You’re already doing it! By finding yourself! You’re already in the best position to be the best mom and mom you can be for your child. Don’t Share Your Child That means you never share your child with anyone!

2 Make Time for You – The Successful Single Parent

To be a successful single parent, be sure to make time for yourself and to figure out what’s important to you. Sure, it’s so important for your child to have both you and their dad in their life. But find ways to get away for you! Go and do your nails, take some bubble baths, go on a date, plan a romantic getaway for the two of you, or do something really special for yourself. Yes, that’s right, you deserve it! Your child will be fine, but they need you to be able to take care of yourself for you to take care of them. Know that as a successful single parent your child needs to know what you’ve figured out your life.

3 Create a Support System

Create a support system for yourself. Invite women and men into your life so you can share your struggles and victories with others. Reach out to friends and family for support, share what works and what doesn’t and know that someone out there is experiencing the same thing. Sometimes a little validation goes a long way when you are not receiving it from your own children. A successful single parent sets boundaries. Do not allow anyone else to tell you how to parent. They may have a good point, but a bad point as well. In fact, a single parent must also take control of their children’s behaviour. This takes lots of practice, communication and discipline, along with strong boundaries. Set ground rules before your children.

4 Diversify the Roles of Parenting

Having one parent who is a stay-at-home mom or dad is nice, and having someone who is also a working mom or dad is ideal, but having one parent who has to fill both roles is HARD. A tip for a successful single parent is to find a way to not let all the responsibility drag you down. Find resources to keep your child entertained, but also monitored in a simple way. It’s also okay for you to ask for help. If you have family who live close by take them up on those weekend “kid play dates”. A stay-at-home parent who is often overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for the children and running the house can benefit from a little extra help. Having the responsibility and work load taken care of for the time being helps the person get their life back on track after returning to work.

5 Spend Time with Your Child

We all know the saying “A mom’s job is never done.” This is your child and you want to ensure that your child has had as many interactions with you as they can possibly have. You love your child and do not want to feel like you are missing out on any part of their life. Remember: Even if you want to take them to the park, go grocery shopping, or take a trip to the zoo, it is important that they see your face at some point in the day. Pamper Yourself You will not be able to get through this journey without a little pampering. Find a way to nurture yourself, whether that is through going to a spa or getting your nails done. In order to keep your child happy and healthy, you need to take care of yourself.

6 Be Patient

Being a single mom is not easy! You can’t be by your child’s side 24/7. You cannot be at their side at every waking and sleeping moment of the day. Sometimes they may not even want you around, so you take some time and breathe. You need to learn to be patient and understanding. Don’t expect your child to take this all to heart immediately, because they won’t. You have to be patient. Keep yourself busy by doing things that you enjoy, whether it be cooking, going shopping or reading a book. Learn how to say, no, don’t be afraid to tell your child that you need a break from them.

Check Out Some Books On How To Be A Successful Single Parent

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