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Independence: Full Free 2016

1838 was supposed to be “Full Free”. Forgotten experiences in history do not make us better people today. It has been said that Emancipation was the light leading to Full Free Independence. It was the ending of an institution of oppression known as slavery that had affected every nation in history from the Israelites (Egyptian masters). From the Ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire. And into what we know as the British Empire, the French Empire, the Spanish Empire. Let us not forget the effects of the Great Slave Trade.

History has changed and is changing in our lifetime. Full emancipation is still yet to come. It is mainly housed in new terminology like Holistic Living, Visualisation, Mind-Body-Soul, and more. Just think of how you care for yourself, your children and your family today.

Emancipation to Independence

In 1838 Emancipation was there but the structure of the societies had yet to change. This in effect is the very thing that held back true emancipation – the “Full Free”, the independence. In reality the plantation owners were set free too but their minds were still set in the structure of their slave society. The slaves were set free but their lifestyles were still trapped in the structure of their slave society. So much so that you even had a distinction between slaves freed on emancipation day and those that had to buy their freedom later “(Fus’ of Augus’ niggers)…

The social system during and after slavery assumed that superiority or inferiority of social position were physically or philosophically the same as superiority or inferiority of race.   In effect, although freedom was given, racism, classism, and  many forms of prejudice still existed, deep seated in the social web of life.

While we had hoped that all this had changed we are now faced with political crises that stem from deep seated prejudices including racism. And we watch as countries all over the world are suffering from terrorism, internal and external threats. Police brutality is increasing in frequency on the news. While so many are still without access to basic necessities of life like, potable water, healthy foods, health care, safe shelters….. or basic education like reading and writing, access to electricity or running water and even now access to the internet. As Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr said “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” [“the more things change, the more they stay the same,” (Les Guêpes, January 1849)

BUT Full Free must become Independence

Let us look deeper at 1838 “Full Free”. Let us embrace the true experience of emancipation as a society and restructure ourselves . We can feel that mankind is still searching for something better since this Giant Day of Change. Sometimes small changes over time can erupt to cause a greater change (like the effects of a Volcano). So I Self-Challenge, because starting with you is the best way to erupt change. I challenge you to embrace the concept of “Full Free 2016” and to find true freedom in one area of YOUR life that you are struggling with so that you can pass on that knowledge to someone else. And they in turn can pass that on to the next and the next.

In 1838 we broke the chains of slave bondage but we need to rebuild those links with LOVE stronger than fear, stronger than pain.

Our Hope

Our hope is to inspire a change so great that we will in turn see Full Free Independence from class inferiority/superiority; economic inclusion/exclusion. From mental clarity/distress; physical capacity/lack of access; environmental health/toxicity. From oppression, oppression, oppression. This Emancipation day let’s make a change within ourselves so that we can build links of LOVE between us. Engage with “Full Free 2016” .

Happy Independence Day to all those countries celebrating in August 2016 and beyond!!

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