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It’s scary being a mom right now in Ontario

It’s scary being a mom because all Moms take their parenting pretty seriously. Many of us have children. In fact in Ontario  16 % of families have a child under 14. 

As we all know, these are the years when children are most at risk from the multitude of viruses and germs and flu’s and what ever that’s going around.  For the last 1 ½ years we have seen a rise in days not at school due to illness. All it takes is for one child in kindergarten to turn up with a cough or sneezing and in 2 days the class is a mess. Worse yet, there will be no sign of anything wrong and wham!! 2/3rds of the class is sick.

There is a clear correlation between the lingering aftermath of Covid which is now worse, because some parents opted to go the vaccine way for both children and themselves. Consequently no one has any sort of functioning immune system.

Why are we scared?

What makes Moms scared is that for nearly a month now in Ontario, the shortage of children’s medication has now stretched past ‘crisis’, as there is no end in sight. Today we hear that the government is doing all it can to alleviate the situation.

“Drug shortages in Canada started as early as last spring. But the supply crunch was exacerbated in recent months by soaring demand amid the spread of influenza, RSV and COVID-19. Lingering pandemic supply chain snags have also contributed to the problem

Scary is a mild word for what we are feeling. When these kids get sick there is no medication after waiting 8 hours in the hospital. Suddenly the resources that we are accoustomed to have disappeared. Doctors are as scarce as nusrses. Is this just Ontario? Kids are our family….

Why has this gotten so out of hand. Didn’t anyone see this coming????

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