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How To Say love You No Matter What! my parenting style

As parent saying love you no matter what is important!

A child is so precious. Each one is unique. Special. As moms we teach them to clean their teeth. To love. To talk about their experiences.  We teach them that “I love you no matter what” means just that. No matter what!

So now we must teach them about themselves. Teach them what is this thing called ‘the self’. It’s also called the higher self. It’s something inside that you cannot touch. It is a mixture of your ideal self i.e. the person you want to be and the self-image i.e. how we see ourselves. When these are in HARMONY, we have our great, positive self-esteem glowing in our lives.

How do we do this?

Some say we should teach them to walk with God, consciously. This means keeping the principle of loving another like you would love yourself. It’s a lot more than that but that’s a start.

In order to accomplish that, first of all there is talk about our children, especially children of color, who need to navigate the divide between what others think about us and what we & and family think we are and want to be. 
I know how we got to this divide.., this miserable, uncomfortable, unreasonable place. The fact is we all have to know that this is where we are. We as parents and caregivers have to listen to and learn from, the teachers of our history. Not the scattered memes or the viciously targeted so-called ‘caring explanations’.

Teach your kids…..

Teach your kids to love themselves as special, unique, beautiful, and worthy of great achievements. Teach them that love you no matter what starts with them loving themselves. When they come home tired, out of sorts and confused from all the times in the day they have had to defend themselves, question themselves, or refused to accept the loudest voice in the room, our role is to show them how much we love them no matter what. My advice:

  • Calm them.
  • Be prepared for sudden unexplainable outbursts over nothing
  • Tell them you love them no matter how many times
  • Pray for patience and the right words
  • And when you can, tell them to select their friends carefully, even if it means they will find themselves being alone without explanation.

Smile! They will never know when you are hurting, inside! We control the trick!!

Here are some books to help you and your kids.

Saying I love you no matter what is key, but showing your kids is also important. Here are some books to help grow your kids confidence.

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