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Just to say Hi and Thanks for dropping by and don’t forget my invitation to follow my blog!

Kids feeling awesome about themselves —a parenting blog— written by  Eleanor Wint, author, retired professor, researcher, loving children, loving life.

I am hoping that my blogs will grow as I follow others. There are so many Moms and Dads who blog about their daily lives. This blog speaks about networking among all parents, from single parents to grandparents and all others in between.

To me networking means making friends online. I hope we will read each others blogs and grow as we exchange ideas and views.

My interest is mainly preschoolers as they grow in self confidence and establish a great positive self-concept.

This will happen as the caregivers grow in their own self confidence.

So I invite you to keep on reading my blogs . Happy, Positive, Parenting!!


2 thoughts on “NETWORKING!!!”

  1. As the kids get older they also become more inddpeneent with after school activities, scouting, sports, etc So it’s even more crucial to set aside time with them, whether it’s one on one or as a group/family. Not having them around as much is a relief for at-home moms because she gets her life back; for working dads it’s even less time with them. It’s a struggle every day, week and month to try and balance it out.

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