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Nurturing: an extract from my book “I Like ME”

I thought I would take an extract from my parenting book and I chose Chapter 4

This chapter teaches us the N in the S.H.I.N.E. technique which we teach in the book “I Like Me”. The S.H.I.N.E. technique is an efficient, quick, easy way to build an environment in which the self-esteem of the preschooler and the parent will flourish

I have seen it happen in the Caribbean as Moms struggle to keep everything going well in the family. As they improve in parenting their self-esteem grows.

One of the biggest problems for the new mother, however, is lack of sleep. No matter what you do you never seem to be able to catch up. A consequence of this is an uneven temperament and sometimes irritable behavior at the drop of a pin.

But now the child is 3+. No more excuses/rationalizations. You are there for your child! You have worked out how to deal with sleep for yourself and your child. You are also moving onto making sure your child fits into society in a hospitable and healthy manner. So no more excuses. You are there for your child as often and as long as called for! What a responsibility.

And this is what we call nurturing in the book “I Like Me:5 Easy Ways for Parents to Help Their children Feel Awesome about Themselves”. Nurturing is caring with intent! What is the intent? That you will provide an environment in which the child grows and flourishes. One in which you also will thrive.

Nurturing is a two, three, four way process. A lot of love and attention goes to the child but you and the others in the family environment cannot do that unless you are feeling good about yourself.

So the first and only rule: do the same thing every time. Forget the screaming. Stop feeling your child is impossible and ungovernable.

Remember Little  _________[fill in name] is one of a kind.  [Fill in name]_________ is my/our special person, today, tomorrow, always. No stops to all the starts. Just today, tomorrow, always.

Taken from Chapter Four of I Like Me: 5 Easy Ways for Parents to Help Their Children Feel Awesome about Themselves Chapter 4 is titled: Nurturing Your Child (and Yourself)

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