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A Rockstar Mom!

7 Ways To be

The Greatest Mom Ever

Live your dreams, take charge, love your children, and show them how you love them, see how your friends start congratulating you on your parenting

The 7 major areas in your daily life that ensure success in your parenting. This includes making sure that you and your children are eating just right for their age.

How to make sure that nightly cuddle of your 3 year old in front of the TV doesn’t turn into something you can’t handle.

How to get an extra hour a day to do something you have been longing to do like going to the gym or reading a book  or even getting some Serene Sleep for a change.

How to keep calm, confident and in tune with all the members of your family and their changing life needs. Having children of different ages calls for holistic, innovative parenting.

Who should read this book?

  • Rockstar Mom is for Moms, Single Moms, Stay-At-Home Moms, Mamas, Step-Moms, Grand Moms, all Moms with children of any age.
  • Rockstar Mom is for all those Moms who just need a parenting refresher to restore their fluctuating self-confidence.
  • Rockstar Mom is for Moms and Caregivers who are transitioning to a new culture and are concerned that they all fit in comfortably.
  • Rockstar Mom is for counsellors working with  young parents whether one on one or in groups such as Church groups or community groups

Download a FREE chapter now!

In the  Chapter 4 extract of Rockstar Mom, we talk about the importance of keeping good health. This is for you Mom and all your family. Let’s face facts, keeping watch is always going to  be Mom’s responsibility. In this chapter we also talk about the sweet feeling of Serene Sleep!!! This is key for all Moms as we seem to be catching up, right through the toddler years into “tweenhood’. So to download a free chapter now, click on the link below and you will also find the 3 great Free Giveaways.

Author: Eleanor Wint

Dr. Eleanor Wint now resident in Canada, was born and raised in Jamaica West Indies. She has been travelling the world since a teenager. Her studies have been in the USA and the West Indies. She shares her knowledge of parenting from living in and studying cultures all over the world. Her writing and advice comes from years of working with families in all walks of life in the Caribbean, the USA, Canada, West and East Africa. To her families are the same all over the world, all determined to bring up their children to be successful adults in a constantly changing world.She is the author of “I Like Me: 5 Easy Ways for Parents to Help their Children Feel Awesome about Themselves”. Although having published articles, papers, and books while at the University, this was her first parenting book as she wanted mothers to know how much they are doing the right thing.

Dr. Eleanor Wint