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Respect Moms! They are all Rockstar Moms!!

I say respect moms!!  All Moms.

The media loves to talk about, working Moms, tired Moms, single moms, etc. All the hazards and no strengths! But I will explain what I mean by respect all Moms.

Being a Mom comes easily to some people and very difficult to others. It can be what she desires or it can be forced on her. Whatever the situation, in most cases she is expected to care and nurture that  child.

So I think of Moms as Rockstar Moms and respect to them when I think about what we are accomplishing. There is a lot of discussion about the Super human Mom, the Mom who can do it all. It seems as if the media just wants to talk about those women who succeed in multitasking at all levels for as long as they desire. That’s not really the norm. What we find more often is that the person giving the care and upbringing  needs to have a positive supportive relationship with their child or children.

That’s what is most important.

When she has the resources to sustain that relationship, then all the world calls her a successful Mom, a Rockstar Mom. So like Maya Angelou calls her, Phenomenal woman. There are 2 ways of thinking who we call  a Rockstar Mom.


  • Those celebrities who have an active career and have children and are featured in the media like Lisa Monet or Nicole Murphey

Or ….

  • That young mom with her first child who is making sure she has it all together to collect her kid from school in time, looking cool, calm and collected.

These are the main 2 ways we can think about being a Rockstar Mom. We usually aspire to some combination or one of these. So in writing the book, Rockstar Moms, I cover all the areas of essential everyday life leaving little to chance. Whether it is making sure that the home is secure or taking care of herself and getting enough rest, she’s on top of it. NOT Superwoman!! Just Mom, a Rockstar Mom.

I have some good friends on twitter who I consider Rockstar Moms  like @Bigblendedfam or @Nataliepalombi or on Blackmoms blog for example. These Moms never lose sight of our responsibility as Moms to care, nurture and love our children. A mom with style, believing in herself, showing lots of love, doing it as best she can. I know sometimes we fell a bit tired. But I want to tell you that’s the time to take a look at what’s in those pages and reassure yourself that what you are doing is going to work out just right.

Don’t forget to get your copy of the new Rockstar Mom 2nd edition on Amazon …check out at for your link worldwide.

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