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Secrets to Stress Reduction & Building the Inner Strength

As the holiday approaches, Moms often get more stressed. This is not surprising especially as the responsibility for the child’s well being is hers. Only now there is the added task of preparing for the holidays.

Reducing stress is linked directly to understanding the source of the stress. That’s why we talk about building your inner strength. It is all about knowing your self from the inside out and knowing where the weaknesses are that need to be strengthened.

Moms show extraordinary resilience and inner strength and always seem willing to see how they can improve on this. So we have 4 exciting opportunities for Moms especially

Facebook Live

These will be on Facebook Live starting on the 5th December and continuing on the Friday, Monday and Friday following. In other words, the 5th, 9th, the 12th and the 16th. 2016. We don’t have all the technology that the USA has, here in Canada as yet so Debbie Pokornik and myself Eleanor Wint will take turns hosting these opportunities for discussion. We will, however, still be there listening and contributing on each of the opportunities

Debbie Pokornik is the author of a number of stellar courses and books Empowering Women  . She calls you a vibrant positive woman as you develop your inner strength.

Eleanor Wint is the creator of the S.H.I.N.E. technique which focuses on growing a positive self-confident young person as they develop through the preschool years.

You really should tune in and enjoy the sessions. There will be a number of giveaways (games, exercises, info graphics) complimenting the sessions.

The series is entitled:

Secrets of Resiliency & Believing in You. This is the best gift to give yourself. Every Monday and Friday at 12:30 EST for 2 weeks

The first session is Triumph Over Stress! And it gets better every time as you build your inner strength.

Join us!!!


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