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SH.I.N.E. & Reduce Stress-You and Your children

“4 Amazing Opportunities for Moms”, continues to reduce stress on Facebook with hosts Eleanor Wint and Debbie Pokornik.

It’s great fun as we talk about “Secrets of Resiliency and Believing in You”. It’s specially for you Mom as you work at how to reduce stress in a peaceful effective manner. Our message is clear. Reduce stress using the quick techniques we talk about in the first session “Triumph over Stress”. 

Our second session was Raising Resilient Kids. And that’s where S.H.I.N.E. comes in. It’s a great technique developed by Eleanor Wint and Ruth Fevrier. It gives  you 5 Easy ways to shine up the resiliency of your kid while building his or her self confidence. Take a look at the picture. It shows the meaning of the 5 letters as they together give you the strategy to use.

SHINE starts with you the parent and works with the entire family to build your child’s self confidence. It works  as we have seen in the Rural Family Support Organisation RuFAMSO, a UNICEF recommended non-governmental organization dedicated to facilitating the best quality of life for families.

Copy the picture which is attached.

Take a look at the video for Raising Resilient Kids    We didn’t edit the beginning as we tried out a new format. Using this technique will definitely add to the strategy to reduce stress.

Join us on Monday 12th and Friday 16th at 12:30 each time as we wrap up with Nurturing Happy, Healthy Relationships and The Gift of the Strong Woman. It’s been a wonderful session with real life tips. 

On Monday we had to postpone but we did it on Wednesday. Click here for the link for the video. wonderful session on Nurturing Happy, Healthy Relationships with lots of views.

I took Debbie by surprise a few times talking about what we need to do to spice up the love life!

You know women are really strong and I am looking forward to that session on The Gift of the Strong Woman on Facebook Friday 16th December 12:30 PM EST.

As Maria Montessori pointed out we must nurture our children as they are the world. Sometimes we forget that we all start as children so we need to protect and nurture children all over the world. In every culture it is the duty of the woman to nurture the child.

So keep on watching our sessions and reduce stress while you raise resilient self-confidenet kids using the SHINE technique

1 thought on “SH.I.N.E. & Reduce Stress-You and Your children”

  1. Pingback: Remembering WORD on the STREET- Toronto

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