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Worst Parents Ever !

Do you feel sometimes like you are the worst parents ever? Like when beginning your first parenting adventure or when you reach to your first ‘terrible twos’ or your first ‘emotional teens’? We have all heard the term age doesn’t count or age ain’t nothing but a number, but I think that this is where age matters a lot. So many authors talk about feeling like they are the only one going through these “phases”, “issues”, “tantrums”, “tiredness” etc. but then finding out that your child is PERFECTLY NORMAL! and you are not the worst parents ever! This is where you find out that there are a number of reasons why age matters a lot.

Paul Riser published a book called Familyhood. He says in his promo for the book:

“For the longest time, based on no evidence other than our own insecurity and sense of incompetence, my wife and I were convinced that we were the flat-out, no-question-about-it, least-skilled parents in the country. Furthermore, we were convinced that every other set of parents we knew was perfect. They were more thorough in going over their kids’ homework, they set better boundaries than we do, didn’t let their kids watch as many hours of TV as we do, raised kids who are unfailingly polite in public and have a far greater sense of community and public service than our underachieving offspring over there on the couch watching SpongeBob. We were certain everybody else’s kids willingly and joyfully eat nothing but healthy foods, shunning all candy and candy-based products, they all sensibly and automatically put on weather-appropriate clothing, and voluntarily call their grandparents with clockwork regularity, giving fully detailed accounts of their numerous accomplishments, ending with testimonials to their wonderful and perfect parents. Turns out: not so much. At all.”

Wow, how amazing is that!?! Just maybe you are not the worst parents ever! This just goes to show that we are all at some point in time going through or experiencing things that someone else has experienced and that is why age matters; worst parents, worst children or just normal parents with challenges raising normal children?

Let’s talks about 5 reasons why age matters oh so much

  1. Your age matters. Get to know people in your age group who are doing the same things you are like parenting, gardening, writing, staying at home, etc. Keep these people close to you so you remember you are not alone in your experiences at Your age and try to stay positive! Whether you are a young parent or an older parent remember there is someone your age doing something similar, get to know those persons in your age group, share your experiences, share that Your age matters! A need for companionship is normal try to get out there and mingle in Your age group, you might find worst parents still 😉 (wink).
  2. Your child’s age matters. Set up play dates, activities and outings with children close to your child’s age; not only will your children socialise and have experiential learning that is age appropriate but you will also get to see the other behaviours of children close to your child’s age and you may be surprised to see how much age matters!  And how other parents may be feeling like the worst parents ever too! Many other children are doing similar or completely different things than your children but you may find yourself being thankful for Your little monsters after these outings and patting yourselves on the back for not being the worst parents with the worst children! (don’t judge).

Soooo go ahead and digest this now, age matters but I hope you are beginning to see why you are not the worst parents ever! And be sure to follow up and read the conclusion to Worst Parents Ever!

Until next time remember to “Create Share and Love”. Ggee.

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