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7 Unsung Milestones of Motherhood

I got this motherhood article from , written by By Kerry Lyons. I thought I would edit it a bit and share it with you.

As parents, we all know there are milestones we reach when we bring children into the world. There are baby albums and medical charts just waiting for the dates of important moments to be filled in — the first smile, first tooth, first step. But there are also the many motherhood milestones that no one mentions, the ones that happen quietly and quickly .

“Recognizing and celebrating both a child and a mother’s moves toward independence is a winning strategy for all involved. Identifying moments of reclamation … is important to foster a sense of personal accomplishment that can so easily be lost during parenthood’s trying moments,” says Adam G. Stein, a clinical child psychologist in Irvington, New York. SO let us look at these  unrecognized milestones. that might slip by between well-baby appointments and kindergarten screenings and all the other growing up dates.

No more Potty 

Gone are the days when you kept track of every wet and dirty diaper. Gone also are the days of Pull-Ups, potty training, and that oh-so-pretty plastic potty that perched in the corner of your bathroom. This is a major milestone for you and the child. I know you Moms agree with me here as perhaps finally the smell of poo disappears from the atmosphere.

Ending the Car Seat Fiasco

The bucket seat is a great starter seat. But, in the blink of an eye, your tiny tot will graduate to a full-fledged forward-facing car seat and then a booster. Can you image? He or she can now buckle up. It’s really a trip isn’t it, as we figure out the most efficient way to carry the seat or to get them to figure out how the belt works.  Motherhood. Making sure she is warm. Making sure she is not too hot. Can she get to the water bottle beside her? And soon all these will be replaced by having sing-alongs, playing the “I spy the color —”  game and constant “Are we there yet?!”

Encouraging the Independent Diner

It’s no secret that a newborn can’t feed himself; what no one tells you is that once he arrives, you can’t feed yourself either. It’s impossible to cut the food on your plate while holding a fussy baby in one arm. There are months upon months of one-handed dining, followed by years of pureeing carrots, dicing grapes, and scoping out high chairs as soon as you enter a restaurant. Then one day you realize that your child is sitting in his own chair (rather than that high chair or your lap), cutting his own food (rather than using his fingers like a caveman), and actually enjoying a meal (rather than being bribed by dessert to eat it!). You realize your child is growing up, forming his own tastes and opinions. Even so, there’s a good chance you’ll agree that it’s worth clearing your plate to get dessert!

Welcoming Back Old “Friends”

Several trusted items may have disappeared during the height of your baby years: hair dryer, razor, jewelry, breakable gifts from grandparents etc. The focus was on the 2 ton diaper bag.  As time passed other loyal friends that disappeared during those early years of motherhood such as make up and high heels, not to mention that special time to spend on yourself and partner, struggle to  make a comeback, but one day they will.


Raising a Reader

“When your little wonder is first born, you often talk about her as if she’s not there. (“Isn’t she cute?” or “Isn’t she precious?”). Then, as the months fly swiftly by, you realize that she hears — and comprehends — everything you say. So, you start spelling the things you don’t want her to understand — or repeat. But by the time kindergarten rolls around, your tot is a budding speller and burgeoning reader, and your game is up. No more skipping pages in the bedtime story and no more suggesting to your husband that you can share “d-e-s-s-e-r-t” after the kids are in bed. Remember to be careful  so that when you go to your first parent-teacher conference, you’re not asked about Junior’s favorite question, “What the H-E-L-L?!”(Kerry Lyons).

Embracing a Pint-Size Fashionista

Cherish the days of rompers and footie pajamas, because when those days end, you’ll be living with the strong will of someone small with a large, newfound fashion sense. Your child will insist upon everything pink or superhero underwear and then, all of a sudden, decide it’s no longer “cool.” This occurs about the same time she realizes that rain boots really are only for rainy days. This might make you sad, but the silliness of toddler styles gives way to the discovery of true style.

So I invite you to reflect on motherhood through the eyes of the Rockstar Mom because that is what we are. Rockstar Moms. I give you 7 Ways that will ensure you remain in the group of Greatest Moms ever.

Join me as soon I will send out invitations to the launch of my latest book “Rockstar Mom: 7 Ways To Be The Greatest Mom Ever. The book comes with free giveaways and books with every  purchase. More information can be found inside the book. Sign up so you are one of the firsts to get a read!


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