I don’t think breast feeding will ever go out of style! I am smiling when I say that as we do continue to have breasts and babies do like breast milk. It would seem that breast feeding is just fine as our grandparents have always said.
When it comes to breast milk, there are many ++ that we are familiar with. A familiar one is supported by the Canadian public health services namely: that mothers tend to lose weight while breast feeding or another that tells us breast milk is a more digestable food which has built in protection from many illneses.
For me the most critical thing with breast feeding is the comfort that the child should be experiencing and the bond that is being built between caregiver and child. During my travels around the world I have seen children raised from birth by caregivers who insist on breast feeding, even when they are not birth mothers.
In light of the present increasing cost of living worldwide, it is not surprising however, that beast feeding remains a difficult option for some. Breastfeeding Awareness Month (August in the USA), therefore recognises these constraints and now has a week-long period especially for Black breast feeding mothers. It is unfortunate but this special period recognises the shocking disparity between Black mothers and other mothers, in terms of job availabilty, time control and familial support. The week allows us to see what all the associated consultants, workers and advocates are saying and doing to ensure that breast feeding remains the satisfying experience for both cargivers and children. A good source for getting resources as needed is https://blackbreastfeedingweek.org/
Simply put, join the gang! Don’t think you are unusual to want to breast feed your child. And if you are expereincing challenges to get it going etc. call on the support that is available. In the long run both you and the child benefit .