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Marcus Teaches Us: a 2021 edition!

I know many people will be looking forward to the re-edition of this beautiful children’s book Marcus Teaches Us. It will be the 3rd edition since the nineties, and will be published in the 100th year of the Red Green and Black flag being recognized along with the UNIA and ACL. Marcus Garvey throughout his life, preached and taught that this movement formalized as the U.N.I.A., would live forever because it taught people of colour to respect themselves. To be self-sufficient and recognise their inherent ability to do well at whatever they put their hand to.

Today entering 2021, there are numerous books by eminent authors such as Nnamdi Azikiwe and Miriam Muhammad or Geoffrey Philip and of course Chris Daley of My Name is Marcus. I mention them because the world needs to understand the peculiar lasting effect of Marcus Garvey on the liberation of Black nations and peoples. At the same time I realise that these writers like so many all write for the adult.

This is why Marcus Teaches Us is so important. It is the only book written for children’s between the ages of 6 and 9 years. The 3rd edition is even more unusual because it is co-authored with a 9 year old.

Later this week I will have a cover reveal and I look forward to hearing the comments of all the viewers. Then we will talk about the process of publication and all those wunnerful persons who are helping me with this project.

Keep in touch with my facebook page for the latest news

Rest well and Stay Safe


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